Did you know that in the fifth century Greek having soul meant being alive? Throughout history many philosophers and theologians have discussed the soul. For some the soul has moral characteristics, for others the soul is beyond being a moral compass and encompasses personality, even desire. The soul of today is, I believe an extension of the human it belongs to. Soul is a part of the human and simultaneously an independent inhabitant of its human host. One’s soul is one’s trueness; one’s essence. The beauty of soul is that soul does not cease to exist once the human form is made to become a part of the earth once more. Your soul carries on and it can be said that soul is consciousness, your consciousness. When you exercise your soul and spirit, you learn to find inner peace and become happier and kinder both towards yourself and others. Connecting with your soul helps you live more authentically because you’re in touch with what really matters to you on deeper level. You develop the ability to feel more connected with yourself and others. Knowing yourself at soul level can lead to greater inner peace, clarity ad kindness towards yourself and others. Here’s three steps you can take to feel more connected with your soul.
Share With Others
It might seem strange to think that sharing with others helps you to be in touch with yourself at soul level but think about it. When you share what you have with others what you’re really saying is, not only that you have enough but, that you have an abundance. Choosing to see that what you have as enough so that you can share with others is reaffirming to the universe and yourself. You have the opportunity to help others by providing them with what they need to support their needs; be it money, time, kindness, clothing or anything else that you give you are sharing a part of yourself. As you make another person’s life better, you make your life better by allowing your soul to experience itself.
Take the time to meditate when you are feeling overwhelmed or simply just to allow yourself the opportunity to be and further connect with yourself. Give yourself the time to free your brain from the constant workings of a busy mind. Meditation can be a few minutes or a few hours. There really is no right or wrong way to meditate, despite what you might have heard or read. Even just choosing to be still and listen to calming music can be meditative. As long as your nervous system is calm you are practicing a form of meditation. Meditation can help you connect with yourself at soul level because as you meditate you’re letting go of expectations and this allows you bridge the gap between the material and the spiritual world.
Live In The Moment
Life for most persons is hectic. We are constantly on the move, doing things. There may not be much time in the day to just stop and take absorb the beauty that surrounds you. By being mindful or, said differently – deliberate about taking the time to appreciate exactly where you are in the moment, or what precisely is happening in this moment you are better able to appreciate the positives and let go of the negatives because you know that this moment is fleeting. Being mindful helps you to be better able to detach from difficult situations and also feel more attached to everything else. Stop to enjoy nature, and see how beautiful it is to be alive. Find a quiet place to sit, whether that be in a park or your backyard, and take everything that you sense in. You will come to realize that you are part of a bigger picture, that you are a small piece in an ever-evolving world, and that you create change wherever you go.
Connecting and even communicating with your soul feels like ‘home’. Your soul rejoices when you live according to your divine nature because as you live authenticity and connected to soul you will generally make choices that create peace, joy and success in your life. So take a little time every day and share with others, meditate and and life centred in the present moment. Live consciously. Live inspired by your soul.