Traditional and Holistic Coaching

Goal Setting with a Twist

This is more than an affirmation. This is more than a script. This is a glimpse into the future that you have created."


Lucia's Coaching is Styled to Your Unique Plans

Lucia Bellafante’s Traditional and Holistic Life Coaching equips you to reach your own distinct aspirations. Unlike a typical rigid course, Lucia’s fluid method is tailored to meet your unique individual needs. The difference is you. This is Lucia’s Goal Setting With A Twist. Her signature approach is an individualized process that will help you identify your own true goals, empower your thoughts, and take effective actions to create a more fulfilling life.

You may choose to start with a One on One Session where you will begin by establishing your own plans of action and establish your Blueprint for Success and you may choose to commit to a longer term plan.

Regardless of which Coaching Package is most appropriate for you, in this moment, know that you will begin from where you are and work to get you to where you want to be.

Coaching Packages

  • Personalized Life and Goal Analysis
  • Create short and long term plans of action
  • Establish 3 action steps 
  • Receive One Customized Blueprint for Success Script (please see end of this document for description)
  • Summary of your session
  • One 20-minute follow-up call
  • Weekly sessions for first 6 weeks, thereafter bi-weekly
  • Customized program designed with your needs, preferences and learning style
  • Clarify and prioritize goals
  • Establish short and long term action steps
  • Establish new habits to support your goals
  • Plan for Success Schedule of action steps that will propel you towards achieving your desired outcome/s 
  • Review of goals, needs, expectations and action steps at the beginning of each session that which are directly related to your previous session (in other words specific, clear and exact accountability) 
  • One Blueprint for Success Script 
  • One Live (via phone, Skype or Zoom), Yoga Nidra guided meditation session 
  • Written Summary after each coaching session with unique follow-up activities
  • Accountability Tracker 
  • Upon completion of the program client will receive one 15 – 30 minute follow-up call
  • Weekly sessions for first 6 weeks, thereafter bi-weekly
  • Clarify and prioritize goals
  • Establish short and long term action steps
  • Plan for Success Schedule for action based on goals and steps necessary 
  • Review of goals, needs, expectations and action steps at the beginning of each session that which are directly related to your previous session (in other words specific, clear and exact accountability) 
  • One Blueprint for Success Script 
  • Two Live (via phone, Skype or Zoom), Yoga Nidra guided meditation sessions 
  • Written Summary after each coaching session with unique follow-up activities
  • Accountability Tracker
  • PLUS Your CHOICE of:
  • One General Akashic Reading with Soul Realignment® follow-up activity (can be used by client or gifted) OR Two, 20 minute Yoga Nidra meditation sessions
  • Upon completion of the program client will receive one 15 – 30 minute follow-up call
  • Weekly sessions for first 6 weeks, thereafter bi-weekly
  • Clarify and prioritize goals
  • Establish short and long term action steps
  • Plan for Success  Schedule – for action based on goals and steps necessary 
  • Review of goals, needs, expectations and action steps at the beginning of each session which are directly related to your previous session (in other words specific, clear and exact accountability) 
  • Three Blueprint for Success Scripts  
  • Three Live (via phone, Skype or Zoom), Yoga Nidra guided meditation sessions) 
  • Written Summary after each coaching session with unique follow-up activities
  • Accountability Tracker 
  • One In-depth Akashic Reading with Soul Realignment® follow-up activity (can be used by client or gifted) 
  • Upon completion of the program client will receive one 15 – 30 minute follow-up call

Blueprint for Success

Your unique Blueprint for Success Script is developed after a comprehensive interview with Lucia, and is specific to your personal goals and needs. This is a process that encourages you to access your subconscious mind to create habits and routines that enable you to consistently take the actions that you have determined to take. Lucia will create your Blueprint for Success Script utilizing NLP (Neural Linguistic Programming), CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), visualization, and repetition to enlist the power of your emotions so that you will move towards your desired goal in an easy and relaxed manner. 

You’ll learn to implement Lucia’s secret weapon for setting and achieving goals by utilizing her simple and effective, one-page Goal Setting with a Twist process.

You’ll discover new ways of speaking, thinking, and feeling so that you can quickly edit your thoughts and actions to serve you better. Some clients have even explored how taking new action can have a positive effect at a vibrational level, so that new experiences begin to show up in your life that are more harmonious with what you desire. You’ll explore and discover how to effectively use perspective to your advantage so that you gain clarity. Some clients have found this process to be useful in letting go of old habits, some have been able move beyond blame to forgiveness and others have even gained a renewed compassion for self and others.

We travel this journey together. You will have the opportunity to learn and implement various skills, techniques and strategies. For example, you might learn a new breathing technique that will serve to calm your parasympathetic nervous system so that you are better able to make effective choices.

You can even learn more about who you are at the Soul Level. Most importantly, you’ll discover how amazing and capable you are as you are guided towards taking greater control of your life and consistently empowering yourself.