How to Say “Thank You” Without Saying It

Words don’t always express the amount of gratitude that you feel for someone. At times, you need more than just the phrase “thank you.” Understanding what actions you can take to truly show your appreciation and gratitude can help you create stronger, more fullfilling relationships. Next time you want to tell someone ‘thanks’ without actually […]
How To Show Appreciation

“The deepest craving of human nature is the need to be appreciated.” William James There is no need for grandeur when showing your appreciation to a friend or family member. You can readily show it through small acts of kindness every day. You can do this in many ways, give them a sincere smile or […]
Power of Forgiveness

Learning to forgive whether you’re forgiving yourself or another person can sometimes be challenging but it’s always a worthwhile effort. What does forgiveness actually mean to you? Forgiveness might mean that you let go of a grudge, resentment, hostility or even thoughts of revenge towards another person. Forgiveness might even mean that you stop blaming […]
Discovering Your Soul

Did you know that in the fifth century Greek having soul meant being alive? Throughout history many philosophers and theologians have discussed the soul. For some the soul has moral characteristics, for others the soul is beyond being a moral compass and encompasses personality, even desire. The soul of today is, I believe an extension […]
Seek and You Shall Find: How An Open Heart Helps Open Doors

We often get stuck in ruts and pitfalls. Life can be a whirlwind of emotions and often those emotions can have us feeling tired and burnt out. But there is a way to regain the fullness of life. I mean, there must be, right? This is where we find meaning. You see, sometimes our weary […]
The Life-Changing Power of A Thankful Attitude

It’s easy to get caught up in the mundane tasks of everyday life. We sometimes struggle with finding things to be thankful for. The good news is, there are many ways to practice showing gratitude, starting with these five tips. Stop and take inventory during special moments. When you’re enjoying a great time with loved […]
The Gratitude of Grace: How Starting From A Place of Love Helps Create the World You Want

“The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me.” Meister Eckhart Recently, my soul has been rejoicing even through the hard times. Even though it appears that everyday the news can deliver something else to instill fear and sadness into our lives, I am also overjoyed with the wonderful […]
Body & Soul: Why Exercise is About So Much More Than How You Look

By taking care of our bodies, we help improve every part of our lives.