About Lucia Bellafante

Lucia Bellafante, is a mother, grandmother, author, speaker, coach and educator who applies her professional, and personal knowledge and experience as a parent, educator and master coach to help parents raise happy, healthy, safe and successful children.

Lucia has always been a story teller and teacher. As a child she crafted stories and taught her precocious brother to keep him occupied. An educator with two specialists and two teaching degrees, who taught for 35 years, Lucia implemented the art of story telling to help both children and parents. Today, Lucia has blended her passions, and expertise to help children and parents through her children’s books which serve as a bridge for parents and children to communicate, learn and spend quality time together.

Lucia created THANKS to further support parents and caregivers along their journey by providing a blueprint for establishing and maintaining a healthy, strong and supportive relationship with children so that children grow to be happy, healthy, safe and successful.

For a list of credentials please see below.


You read with your child for many reasons: there are times you want to read with your child and laugh, there are times you want to read with your child and cuddle, there are times when you read because you’re searching for the right words to help explain something, or maybe you’re looking for a story that’s uplifting and inspiring.
As an author writing children’s picture books I write to entertain, educate, and enrich the lives of parents and children through story. My stories help you raise happy, healthy, safe and successful children and set the stage to have conversations with your child about all sorts of topics, some challenging, some enlightening, and some just for fun.
I have developed three series, written expressly so that you have the opportunity to choose the book that best suits your and your child’s needs at a particular time. Each series and story is written and illustrated to be representative of IDEA, (inclusivity, diversity, equity and accessibility). Books can be easily applied to the Ontario school curriculum and are accompanied with activity suggestions for parent and child to extend learning and fun.



When you need a well rounded, soft spoken and passionate speaker who’s able to effectively communicate with a group of students about anti-bullying, or speak with parents about how to move forward after learning about a child’s diagnosis, or even talk about surviving divorce so that everyone not only endures but thrives, Lucia is the person to call.

As a speaker, I come from a place of compassion, honesty, and respect. I can tailor talks to your specific needs for time, topic and audience. My years as an itinerant vision teacher working with children who were blind and partially sighted taught me how to accommodate for the needs of my clients.




For the times in your life when you need a friendly, well-informed, non-judgemental guide who will help you to be accountable and encourage you to achieve your parenting goals.

As a coach, I ask questions and guide you to find the answers that are best for you and your family. You might be searching for a way to get your child to do homework, or stop biting, or throwing temper tantrums; together we get to the root of the problem and craft a solution so that peace and harmony reign within your home.



Sometimes you need a little more than questions, you need answers, support and education.

As an educator, I present workshops that inspire, and empower parents through knowledge and practical information so that both parents and children are respected, supported and grow.

As an experienced educator, I help teachers, and support staff understand the value of inclusivity and accommodations so that all students reach their full potential.


Professional Credentials

Bachelor of Education
Blind and Low Vision Specialist
Elementary Writing Specialist
AMI – Montessori Casa Teacher

Certified Master Coach Practitioner
Certified Professional Speaker
Certified Yoga Instructor
Certified Yoga Nidra Meditation Instructor
Certified Soul Realignment ® Practitioner

Certified Reiki Master 
Certified Stress Management Coach
Certified Sleep Science Coach
Certified Weight-loss and Lifestyle Coach 
Certified in Hyponolinguistics

“The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me.” Meister Eckhart

Recently, my soul has been rejoicing even through the hard times. Even though it appears that everyday the news can deliver something else to instill fear and sadness into our lives, I am also overjoyed with the wonderful stories about the resiliency of human beings, and the compassion and generosity of strangers. In the tragedy of the recent Humboldt Broncos bus crash, I have seen the love and compassion of strangers gather around the families affected. In fact, tragedy often shows us that we are all affected by each other’s pain and that we are all bonded in love.

Or, take the compassion of countless strangers every day who help those without a home, a hot meal, or a friend to talk to. There are so many people embodying love and peace even in the midst of fear and sadness.

We weren’t made to live in fear and sadness.
It’s true, the world has its fair share of suffering. No honest person can look around and ignore the immense amount of pain that so many feel. But this isn’t where the story ends. There is also much love, joy, peace, and light. It’s important to give our attention to that which we want to see in this world. Focus on the beauty that surrounds you. The birth of a child. A flower materializing into existence. A friendship discovered. The understanding that we are all “made of star stuff” as Carl Sagan is so famous for saying. Be the miracle in someone’s life, be the solution to a problem, be a helping hand for someone in need. Be the leader in your life. Be the person with integrity. Practice commitment, honesty and accountability. When we allow ourselves to draw closer to God and to our true self we all draw closer to the human experience.

We were created to be victorious.
The key to our victory is not in continually striving for more or accumulating more things than our neighbour. The secret to victory is to realize we are loved — just as we are today. In a world that seems so determined to divide us, we need to wake up to the truth that we are all connected. Indeed, we are all one. Not only are we all united because we are all human beings with the same innate wants, needs and desires but we will all end up the same way, dead. Why waste time on earth being judgmental and hurtful, when through the sacredness of humanity, we are all connected through the deep love of God?. We need to realize that we are whole because of the unconditional love of God. We are all God’s children, and we are all brothers and sisters. Only when we begin to comprehend the interconnectivity of all things will we realize the love we can truly have for one another.

Contentment and gratitude are not a product of getting more, buying the newest thing, or accumulating an excess of wealth. Instead, pure joy is dependent upon us realizing what is worth holding on to and what isn’t. Love, forgiveness, grace, and gratitude are all ways of living that can help create the world we want.

Over the course of my time in spiritual development, I have noticed a few things that can help us live in victory over our lives:

We need to have love for God, whoever your God is and the people around us, and ourselves. What good are financial gains and career success if we don’t have love? Truly, what good is a big bank account if we are spiritually bankrupt? Practice compassion for yourself and others to increase the flow of love in your life. Also, let those you love know that you love them.

Joy is often the product of our love for one another. When we sow a life of grace and gratitude, we will reap joy and happiness. Remember— joy is infectious. The moment you start smiling, it’s likely other people will, too. Increase the feeling joy by watching the sun rise and set. Or simply appreciate going to sleep on freshly clean sheets, with freshly clean pj’s. That always makes me feel joy.

Peace is what we can expect when we live a life of love and joy. Peace doesn’t mean that our lives are absent from all troubles. In fact, it means something bigger and better. Peace means that, even in spite of the trials we go through, we are grounded in the love of God and God’s love for us. This love then pours out of us and into the lives of other people. Living in a sacred and beautiful way is what creates peace. Increase the feeling of peace in your life by spending time in nature or listening to music that makes your soul sing.