We often get stuck in ruts and pitfalls. Life can be a whirlwind of emotions and often those emotions can have us feeling tired and burnt out. But there is a way to regain the fullness of life. I mean, there must be, right?
This is where we find meaning.
You see, sometimes our weary hearts aren’t in need of a drastic world change, sometimes we only need to learn to embrace the truth of our situations. One way in which we can do this is by a type of prayer.
Taking Responsibility
There is a passage in the Bible in which Jesus says, “Ask, and you shall find, knock, and the door will be opened to you.” To many, this may sound like some sort of magical prayer or lofty wish. But when we dig deeper, we find this phrase to have profound psychological significance. This saying can actually teach the importance of living life with an open heart, which in return produces an open mind.
When we enter a difficult or frustrating time, sometimes our immediate response is to pray for our deliverance from the situation or circumstance. But perhaps we are supernaturally endowed with the ability to help ourselves and others navigate the difficulties and challenges of life.
When we enter a challenge in life, it’s vitally important we seek for the truth in our situations. Even Christ in the Bible, when tempted by the forces of resentment and bitterness, didn’t call upon God to remove him. Instead of asking that mountains are moved, and seas are parted for us to find solid footing again, it can be essential for us to remember to take responsibility upon ourselves. What can we do to help our attitude and mindset in this situation? How can we be more honest with ourselves and with those around us? In what ways can we help remedy the situation in which we currently find ourselves?
Quieting our minds and seeking out the truth is a form of prayer itself. A life that seeks out truth is one that lives in constant communion with love, forgiveness, and gratitude. When we learn to take on responsibility, we learn to find true meaning in life.
Now, this responsibility isn’t some sort of cold, finger-wagging list of to-dos, but rather an embrace of the joy that comes from taking proper care of ourselves and those around us.
Open Hearts Open Doors
Living life with a heart that is open to growing continually and learning is one of the surest ways to preserve love and joy in your life. When we live with an open heart, we allow ourselves to be open to the world and all of its possibilities and opportunities. This week, I encourage you to ask yourself what small steps you can take in your own life to improving it. Whether that be cleaning your room, helping a stranger, being more honest, or practising gratitude, all of it helps produce an open heart.